How is this time flying like it has been. It does not do this for other things like. My work weeks don’t go flying by well at least when I want them to. My drive time drags on when I long for it to be over. But these past 232 days since I was asked to join the Running Down a Dream Team has seriously flown by
The Infamous Evening
So as we get closer I am finding that I have had so many questions about what to make sure I bring, what I should know, what to expect, OH so many questions. What I am so happy about is since finding the From Fat To Finish Line Community I now have so many friends, and fellow runners that are willing to share what they know to make sure I have a great experience.
So I do want to share some of the advice that I got because I know if you are reading this blog you will want to one of these silly little races.
Advice from John Hulsey aka Runner 12, who also has the best blog on packing for a Ragnar.
“I packed a big t-shirt and a pair of comfy stretch pants and I wore them while I napped between legs. Think “travel Jammies”
He also reminded me to have fun, as in any race this will be my first and I will always look back and have these great memories. This is why I love him!!
Some really great advice from Maureen Friend who I have to say knows a lot about running and running Ragnars.
She told me be helpful, if they need someone to walk runners out to the start line be there it is a great thing for a beginner Ragnar to do. Take wipes to be able to clean yourself up as showers are not in the picture. She also suggested travel toilet paper, OMG I wold never had thought of that!
Shawn P Gallagher, well she knows me and gave me advice she knows I needed to hear. Just so you know that is what great friends do!
Don’t worry about the little things as everyone in the van will have something they are worried about, no one will notice yours.
She reminded me that be prepared for little to no sleep but are not going to want to sleep. And most importantly from Shawn was, Have Fun Teri.
I do want you to picture this conversation as we talked about this as we were walking around a track for Shawn’s Relay for Life for 24 hours. Let me say you can get a lot of good info when you are walking for hours and hours!
So am I ready? HELL NO! But I will be in 4 days and no matter, I will have fun and this will be my best adventure ever!