So this year flew by, well lets just call it what it is it “Ran” by. Last thing I remember was finishing the 2016 Rock and Roll races and preparing for my upcoming 2017 Ragnar.
As you can tell if you have checked my race schedule, my year was plenty busy with a good amount of races. Not as much as I would have wanted but well life was there getting in as much way as it could possible could. That shows as I had two months with no races at all. I know I am thinking the same thing.. How did that happen!
But I did have several months where I had several races in the same months and some big ones too. Lets look at March where I not only had a Ragnar, but I did a two day bike camp the week before my Ragnar which I will say I do not suggest doing. Falling off your bike twice before running a 200 mile relay puts a little limp in your step. Then 2 weeks later I ran the Hot Chocolate 15K that FYI was over 83 flights of stairs.
May was also pretty jammed pack as I had two races, one 24 support for a friends Relay for life and my 1st Triathlon, a mini sprint but it gave me a good taste.
So although I did not run as many races as I did the previous year, I had a lot of “first” races this year. I also had some amazing races with my best friend and fellow tribe members. No amount of races I run, will ever match this.
I had some pretty amazing firsts this year, my first Ragnar and it was the best experience ever!
Then as I said I did my first triathlon that led to me doing did three triathlons this year… This is now my favorite event to do. I figured this out on my last Triathlon when I did the Malibu Nautica Sprint Tri. I did this one with four friends and it really was a great experience. PS We were not digging those pink caps.
I also signed up for a first coming soon for 2018… My very first Full Marathon
I initially signed up for the Surf City Full Marathon but my work was really getting into the way of training and was very worried I would not be ready. So I have another full marathon that I will be doing and I will be announcing it tomorrow.
So as I said before this year has flown by and I am not sure I am completely ready for 2018.
But no matter what I will see all at the Finish Line!