Once upon a time I said I never wanted to do a half marathon and well now I have 3 in the books. Then I was saying very loudly who in the heck would do a Triathlon, well other than my nephew who was super fit… hmmmm I guess would as I have 3 of those in the books.
I am starting to learn that when I say it is something I can never do someone tells me I can and I listen.
Now I have said time and time again I WILL NEVER DO A FULL MARATHON… EVER!!! I will support and cheer those that choose to do this crazy distance but me and 26.2 miles are you kidding. Now lets go to February 8th 2017 and I am at the Surf City Marathon with my friend Angela Lee and supporting our tribe, that are there to doing both the half and the full. I am walking through the expo and my Angela says hey if I do the full will you want to do it, and before I could ever even think about it I said yes, yikes. No I did not realize that she meant the 2018 Surf City full marathon and yes before I could change my mind I was signing up and paying for it. Damn you Angela Lee!!!
So yes this is me signing up for the Surf City Full Marathon and the smile that says , wait I did what!
Ok I know the title of the blog is about the LA Marathon, am I doing two? NOOOOO are you crazy.
So here what did happen and I am saying it was fate..I recently finished up a major project at work, and then I made a move from San Diego to Long Beach, with all this going on my training for the Surf City was suffering, but I kept trying to do what I could. In my mind I pretty much knew that I would barely be ready if at all to run this distance.
Next I went to Vegas in November to meet up with my tribe, work the Rock and Roll Expo and run the Half Marathon. While working the expo I put an entry in for the Sketchers LA Marathon, never in a million years did I think I would win. I also entered to win a vacation and a bottle of wine. Guess which thing I won.. yep no relaxing vacation, tasty bottle of wine. I won 26.2 miles … 26.2 miles yes I have to keep repeating it so it sinks in. So now I am back to doing a Full Marathon, and am changing the Surf City to a Half Marathon.
So huge thanks to Sketchers LA Marathon as I not only won the entry into this race but I won a VIP entry. Along with my entry I also won the Marathon Training program, a Fitbit Surge and a pair of Sketchers running shoes and a little extra I will share later. I honestly have never won a thing in my life, never so as scared as I was of the 26.2 I really felt like I am meant to do this race.
Now I am training for this race and I am trying to get all my days in. Is it easy, heck no.. training for a full marathon and living a life is not easy. What is making training for this different, I credit moving to Long Beach and a very runner friendly city, but even more living closer to Angela where we can run and train together.
I am so excited to run with fellow From Fat To Finish Line tribe members that will be coming to LA to run this from all other the United States. I cant wait to introduce you to them and share their stories.
But my number #1 reason I am doing this is .. because I want to prove to myself that I can do this, that I can follow through on training to complete a race that I said time and time again I would never do, to be honest I said this because I did not think I was ever strong enough to do a race of this distance. But I guess we will find out as seeing will be believing…
So for the next 80 days I will be sharing my training, my runs, my friends and my journey to 26.2 miles. I will share how both Fitbit and Sketchers find their way into my training.
I hope you will follow me as I run to this fantastic finish line!